We’d love for you to join us.

Here’s all you need to know.

What are YOU looking for in a bass club?


Got ’em.

As a fisherman you know the thrill of the hookup, the electricity of the fight, and the satisfaction of boating that lunker. Add to that the adrenaline rush of doing those things against competing fishermen, against the clock, against the weather, with a win and prize money at stake, and you’ll begin to understand why we crave tournament fishing.


Got that too.

It’s one thing to be successful on your own nearly every time out, when you can pick the time, lake, and weather conditions that you prefer. But can you perform as well when conditions aren’t ideal, and against some of the area’s top anglers? There’s only one way to find out!



When anglers share a tournament boat for 8 hours they’re going to get to know each other. If they do it often enough there’s a strong chance they’ll become good friends, not just competitors. Next thing you know, they’re making plans to fish together and hang out outside the club. That’s just the way things go.



Every angler should strive to learn more if they hope to become a better fisherman. A club environment offers members the opportunity to both lend and gain knowledge. Those shared tips, techniques, and firsthand on-the-water experiences can make us all better fishermen.


Of course.

Avid embraces members of all skill levels, from first-year co-anglers to seasoned boaters who have qualified for state championships and beyond. While nothing replaces time on the water for any skill level, fishing with and observing a variety of anglers during club events is a priceless opportunity to hone your own skill set, regardless of how seasoned you may be.


We thought you’d never ask!

As if the previous five benefits above aren’t reward enough, joining Avid can have monetary benefits too. Each year anglers compete for between $3,300 and nearly $5,000 in potential prize money* for tournament wins, lunkers, an annual Big Fish prize, and Angler and Co-Angler of the Year awards. In addition, members are eligible for perks such as entry into a no-cost Mystery Tournament, end-of-year banquet, discounted club branded apparel, AOY trophies, after-event cookouts, and more.

Learn more

What makes us different

Club history

Where we fish

How we operate

Member requirements

Dues and entry explained

Where we meet

Membership application

Contact us

* Prize money is estimated and is based on membership of between 10 and 15 anglers for a full tournament season. Actual figures will vary depending on number of members enrolled. Entry fees and payouts are subject to change.

Join Avid!

Accepting boaters and non-boaters!
Learn more  |  Membership application