Due to declining participation Avid has decided to retire the Easter Bunny Open.
Thanks to the many anglers who took part over the years!
This year the EBO field was small, at only six boats, due to a number of factors: Being so late in the spring there were other events held on the same weekend that no doubt drew anglers away; plus, the weather forecast for 20-30 mph winds on always-blustery Long Pond surely kept away others. Even host club Avid only mustered 3 boats for various reasons.
The wind was indeed tricky as it blew from the south and west all day, providing very few sheltered spots for finesse fishing, and it swirled and gusted unpredictably. The day started with a hazy overcast that did not burn off until about noon and kept temperatures in the mid 50s. Once the sun did break through it was a warming relief to anglers and it pushed the air temperature to about 60. Nevertheless, the strong wind kept anyone from feeling really comfortable. Water temperature ranged from 50 to 52 in various parts of the lake.
Conditions made for tough fishing and the event lacked the huge winning weights and giant lunkers of some past contests. In total 17 fish were weighed, all smallmouth. This included two limits by the first and second place finishers. Because of the small field the event paid out only two places, though the third place team did receive a traditional chocolate Easter bunny.
That third place team was Avid’s own Ed Doyle and Dave Waugh who weighed 4 fish that totaled 9.01 lbs. Second place went to the team of Doug Cameron and Anthony DeKicchi whose 13.35 limit of smallies missed out on first place by a mere .16 lbs. And finally, no strangers to the leaderboard, Dave Andrews and Scott Leppanen were crowned 2022 Easter Bunny Open champs. This marks the third time in six years that the pair has come out on top. Their winning bag weighed 13.51 lbs. and contained the day’s lunker fish, a nice 4.23 lb. smallmouth. Since no largemouth were caught they claimed a combined lunker pot to add to their winnings.
Thanks to all who participated this year. Happy Easter!
# | TOT | ||
1. | Dave Andrews & Scott Leppanen | 5 | 13.51 |
2. | Doug Cameron & Anthony DeKicchi | 5 | 13.35 |
3. | Ed Doyle & Dave Waugh | 4 | 9.01 |
4. | John Shpack & Tim Baurley | 3 | 4.70 |
5. | Jared & Gary McCartney | 0 | 0.00 |
6. | Al Simmons & Rich R. | 0 | 0.00 |
It was great to be back on the water for our annual Open after having had to cancel in 2020 because of covid. Sixteen boats showed up to Harwich this year to duke it out for cash, coveted chocolate bunnies, and the bragging rights for 2021. While this was a smaller turnout than usual, some anglers no doubt were kept away because of covid related issues or the unusually cold weather. While it is often cold at the EBO, it’s not usually like it was this year, with starting temperature hovering at about 34 degrees. Luckily, the wind was manageable and it was sunny all day, which helped to take a bit of the chill off once the sun got high. It reached 44 degrees and the wind was steady at about 10-12 mph but it gusted over 20 mph in the afternoon. Coming off a week of unseasonably warm weather the water temp still ranged in the upper 40s.
There were 4 limits weighed, the best belonging to Jared and Gary McCartney, whose bag consisted of 5 smallmouth tallying 13.56 lbs. In second place was the team of Eric Femiak and Matt Furtado whose mixed bag of 4 smallmouth and single largemouth weighed in at 12.80. The team’s largemouth was one of only two green fish brought to the scale and it took the lunker largemouth portion of the split lunker pool. Third place was awarded to Dave Andrews and Scott Lepannen with a limit of 5 smallmouth that weighed 12.13 lbs. The smallmouth lunker prize went to Brian Quaglieri and Bob Mazzone with a nice 4.01 brown fish.
Congratulations to all of this year’s winners and thanks to all who participated for your continued support of Avid. We hope to see you again next year!
# | TOT | ||
1. | Jared & Gary McCartney | 5 | 13.56 |
2. | Eric Femiak & Matt Furtado | 5 | 12.80 |
3. | Dave Andrews & Scott Lepannan | 5 | 12.13 |
4. | Ed Acton & Greg Johnson | 5 | 11.49 |
5. | Jacob Mitzan & Eric Arabian | 3 | 7.56 |
6. | Brian Quaglieri & Bob Mazzone | 2 | 5.51 |
7. | Scott Wilkins & Pete DeMoya | 2 | 3.99 |
8. | Paul & Zach Soucy | 3 | 3.90 |
9. | Robbie Aravio & Jon Leon | 2 | 3.66 |
10. | Cam Smith & Steve Goodman | 2 | 3.49 |
11. | RJ Ricci & Brandon Regnault | 1 | 1.41 |
12. | Jeff & Adam Jenness | 0 | 0.00 |
12. | Anthony Tempesta & Joe Burchill | 0 | 0.00 |
12. | Dave & Ethan Waugh | 0 | 0.00 |
12. | Frank McCormick & Mark Fraga | 0 | 0.00 |
12. | Bruce & Jeff Allen | 0 | 0.00 |
Even though this year’s tournament was earlier than all but two of our past EBOs, 28 teams came out to play. it was our best turnout yet and a great showing for a March event, especially with the cold, windy start to the day.
Only 6 limits and 51 total fish were weighed (translation: it was a long fishless day for many!) but the cold 44 degree Harwich water gave up some nice ones as usual. The lunker largemouth went to the team of Christian Hogue and Marc Chavin who weighed a 2.97 lb. fish. The big smallie award went to the team of Dan Tavilla and Chris Apolita with a 4.82 lb. brown fish.
With so many entrants we were able to pay down four places. Picking up the first payout in fourth place were Steven Carden and Anthony Carden, who weighed a smallmouth limit of 12.10 lbs. In addition to the cash award third place paid out in chocolate too, in the form of the smallest of our chocolate Easter bunnies. Those goodies were hard earned by Christian Hogue and Marc Chavin with a mixed limit weighing 12.51 lbs. The team of George Smith & Andrew Demarco captured second place and an even bigger bunny. Their smallmouth limit came in at 12.85 lbs. And, topping them all, Mike Calpaldi and Mike Wolfenden earned top prize money and the mother of all bunnies with a limit of brown fish totaling 14.39 lbs. Congratulations to all the winners and thanks to all who participated for your continued support of Avid!
# | TOT | ||
1. | Mike Calpaldi & Mike Wolfenden | 5 | 14.39 |
2. | George Smith & Andrew Demarco | 5 | 12.85 |
3. | Christian Hogue & Marc Chavin | 5 | 12.51 |
4. | Steven Carden & Anthony Carden | 5 | 12.10 |
5. | John Shpack & Shaun Moser | 5 | 10.79 |
6. | Max Danese & Justin Taylor | 5 | 10.08 |
7. | Bruce Allen | 3 | 7.37 |
8. | Dan Tavilla & Chris Apolita | 3 | 7.32 |
9. | Steve Robinson & Matt McConell | 2 | 6.40 |
10. | Mike Elliott & Anthony Tempesta | 3 | 5.83 |
11. | Cameron Smith & Cody Creekmore | 2 | 4.48 |
12. | Dave Andrews & Scott Leppanen | 1 | 3.43 |
13. | Jim Gildea & Warren Burrell | 2 | 3.43 |
14. | Mike Caudle & Nick Mulcahy | 1 | 3.38 |
15. | Paul Carvalho & John Boudreau | 2 | 3.24 |
16. | Michael McNary & Steve Goodman | 1 | 3.13 |
17. | Dave Waugh & Joel Anderson | 1 | 2.28 |
18. | Woody McKenzie | 0 | 0 |
18. | William Wright Jr. | 0 | 0 |
18. | Travis Foster & Jon Duclos | 0 | 0 |
18. | Jeff Jenness & Andrew Marshall | 0 | 0 |
18. | Matt Lucas & Fred Naymie | 0 | 0 |
18. | Mark Donovan & Paul Leblanc | 0 | 0 |
18. | Kyle Mollica & Jackson Stone | 0 | 0 |
18. | Kevin Martin & Donny St. Angello | 0 | 0 |
18. | Sheron Brown & Carl Hartwick | 0 | 0 |
18. | Doug Cameron & Anthony Delchchicci | 0 | 0 |
18. | Frank McCormick & Mark Fraga | 0 | 0 |
27 teams enjoyed a later event this year which translated to a generlly warmer, sunnier experience than in recent years past. That didn't make the fish any more cooperative, however.
While more than half the field caught fish, only 11 limits were weighed, and only one largemouth was brought to the scales. There were, as always, plenty of hefty smallies to make up for the sparser numbers. Harwich is often a game of quality over quantity.
With such a large field (out biggest ever), the event paid out four places. Fourth place was held down by the team of Maxwell Danese and Justin Taylor who weighed 5 smallmouth for 11.17 lbs, anchored by a hefty 4.45 lb. kicker. Third place went to Jim Gildea and Warren Burrell with a SM limit of 12.45. Matt Allen and Stephen Estes captured second place with a limit of smallies at 14.25 and a kicker fish weighing 4.58 lbs. First place and the giant chocolate bunny went to Dave Andrews and Scott Leppanen with a hefty bag of 18.37 lbs and a big fish of 4.80 lbs. These guys are no strangers to the winner's circle, having won in 2014 and 2015, with a third place finish last year interrupting winning streak.
As for lunker awards, big smallmouth went to the team of Steve Goodman and Anthony Lopez, who weighed a 5.16 lb. fish. As mentioned above just one largemougth was weighed, that a 1.65 lb. 'beast' by James Tessier and Logan Riley. Congratulations to all the winners!
# | TOT | ||
1. | Dave Andrews & Scott Leppanen | 5 | 18.37 |
2. | Matt Allen & Stephen Estes | 5 | 14.35 |
3. | Jim Gildea & Warren Burrell | 5 | 12.45 |
4. | Maxwell Danese & Justin Taylor | 5 | 11.17 |
5. | Paul Leblanc & Mark Donovan | 5 | 11.13 |
6. | Steve Goodman & Anthony Lopez | 3 | 10.81 |
7. | Tony Carden & Steve Carden | 4 | 9.43 |
8. | Donny Stanyl & Kevin Martin | 5 | 9.07 |
9. | Louie Bernardo & Rob Daly | 5 | 8.78 |
10. | Paul Carvalho & John Boudreau | 5 | 8.40 |
11. | BJ Haseotes & Bill Sullivan | 5 | 8.13 |
12. | Mike Martin/Rich Warburg | 5 | 7.44 |
13. | Jeff Jenness & Andrew Marshal | 5 | 6.89 |
14. | Gordon Bocash & Ernest Vandale | 3 | 4.73 |
15. | James Tessier & Logan Riley | 3 | 4.06 |
16. | Mike Caudle & Nick Mulcahy | 2 | 4.03 |
17. | Steven LeDonne & Robert Nihtila | 2 | 3.41 |
18. | Doug Cameron/Anthony DeCicchi | 2 | 3.07 |
19. | Ron Proia & Michelle Proia | 0 | 0 |
19. | John Shpack= & Shaun Moser | 0 | 0 |
19. | Sheron K Brown & Mike Capaldi | 0 | 0 |
19. | Dan Tavilla & Mike Elliott | 0 | 0 |
19. | William Wright Jr & Scott Botelho | 0 | 0 |
19. | Robert Ramasci & Justin Barnes | 0 | 0 |
19. | Steven Robinson & Matt McConnell | 0 | 0 |
19. | Colin Walker & Chris Forti | 0 | 0 |
19. | Tim Baurley & Matthew Breach | 0 | 0 |
Old Man Winter's grip loosened enough on Harwich that Avid was able to pull off the 11th annual Easter Bunny Open as scheduled. There's no doubt the near-cancellation and harsh winter put the squeeze on this year's attendance despite everyone's urge to get on the water. Many anglers could not get their boats ready in time, some didn't want to battle the elements, and others simply needed to commit one way or the other before the call was officially made to go forward with the event.
In any case, sixteen boats showed up to give it their all. With a forecast for 20-30 mph winds, morning rain, and temps around 40 degrees, it really wasn't much out of the ordinary for an EBO, especially given the severity of this year's winter. It just meant it wouldn't be very comfortable for anyone. Surface water temps rose from about 38 degrees in the morning to only around 42 degrees by weigh-in.
Those that stayed and braved the elements were rewarded with a milder afternoon in which the sun showed and the wind subsided a bit (It came roaring back by weigh-in though, and the shift from a W/SW wind to a NW wind made it a real challenge to get boats onto trailers). Some even caught fish! Despite the really cold water many fish were taken relatively shallow, in 8-15 ft. Silver buddies, crankbaits, jigs and jerkbaits seemed to be the ticket.
This year's fishing was typical EBO: not a lot of fish but some real beauties. What bites there were were good ones: There were 26 fish weighed totaling 91.67 lbs., or a whopping 3.53 lbs. per fish! Two fish weighed over 5 lbs (both LM), including the LM lunker of 6.03 lbs by third place finisher Cameron Smith. And the lunker SM almost hit the 5 lb mark at 4.91, courtesy of Paul Carvalho and John Boudreau.
Cameron's third place limit weighed in at 16.55 lbs. Second place went to Steve Robinson and Paul Leblanc with a limit tallying 17.22 lbs. And first place went to Dave Andrews and Scott Leppanen with a limit weighing 17.92 lbs. They are not only the first EBO repeat winners, they're the first back-to-back winners, having won last year too.
Even for those who didn't make out well on the water there was some consolation. Loads of great prizes and gear were raffled off after the tournament; the most we've ever offered. Between tackle packs, rods, gift certificates and the 50/50 raffle, more than $600 in cash and merchandise was given away. And that doesn't even include the chocolate bunnies that went to the top three finishers!
So thank you to everyone who came down to support us and congratulations to the winners. It was hard fought and well deserved. And thanks very much to our supporters and sponsors Basshole Baits, Big Bear Fishing Rods, Boag Hog Baits, Denali Rods, and Thayer's Marine. We hope next year can be bigger and better than ever.
# | TOT | ||
1. | Jim Gildea & Warren Burrell | 5 | 20.77 |
2. | Pete DaMoya & Ryan Kempton | 5 | 17.02 |
3. | Dave Anfews & Scott Leppanen | 5 | 14.97 |
4. | Dan Tavillan & Mike Elliott | 4 | 14.44 |
5. | Sheron Brown & Mike Capaldi | 4 | 14.29 |
6. | Tim Farrell & Bob Wheeler | 5 | 8.97 |
7. | Dave Wojcik & Mark Donovan | 3 | 8.70 |
8. | Kevin Pellegrino & Joel St. Germain | 3 | 8.29 |
9. | Bill Wright Jr. & Scott Botelho Jr. | 3 | 6.95 |
10. | Steve Goodman & Anthony Lopez | 2 | 6.81 |
11. | Chris Hogue & Steve LeDonne | 2 | 6.18 |
12. | Stephen Carden & Anthony Cardin | 1 | 4.62 |
13. | Brian Wheeler & Matt Allen | 2 | 4.09 |
14. | Greg Horne | 2 | 3.44 |
15. | Jeff Jenness | 1 | 2.98 |
16. | Paul Carvalho & John Boudreau | 1 | 2.51 |
17. | Dave Waugh | 0 | 0 |
17. | George Smith & Vern Santos | 0 | 0 |
17. | Ernst Valldace & Jerry Pinto | 0 | 0 |
17. | Vic McNary & Serena McNary | 0 | 0 |
17. | Mike Abernathy & Brain Jarvis | 0 | 0 |
17. | Mike Caudle & Nick Mulcahy | 0 | 0 |
17. | Joe Champney & Mike Naventi | 0 | 0 |
Old Man Winter's grip loosened enough on Harwich that Avid was able to pull off the 11th annual Easter Bunny Open as scheduled. There's no doubt the near-cancellation and harsh winter put the squeeze on this year's attendance despite everyone's urge to get on the water. Many anglers could not get their boats ready in time, some didn't want to battle the elements, and others simply needed to commit one way or the other before the call was officially made to go forward with the event.
In any case, sixteen boats showed up to give it their all. With a forecast for 20-30 mph winds, morning rain, and temps around 40 degrees, it really wasn't much out of the ordinary for an EBO, especially given the severity of this year's winter. It just meant it wouldn't be very comfortable for anyone. Surface water temps rose from about 38 degrees in the morning to only around 42 degrees by weigh-in.
Those that stayed and braved the elements were rewarded with a milder afternoon in which the sun showed and the wind subsided a bit (It came roaring back by weigh-in though, and the shift from a W/SW wind to a NW wind made it a real challenge to get boats onto trailers). Some even caught fish! Despite the really cold water many fish were taken relatively shallow, in 8-15 ft. Silver buddies, crankbaits, jigs and jerkbaits seemed to be the ticket.
This year's fishing was typical EBO: not a lot of fish but some real beauties. What bites there were were good ones: There were 26 fish weighed totaling 91.67 lbs., or a whopping 3.53 lbs. per fish! Two fish weighed over 5 lbs (both LM), including the LM lunker of 6.03 lbs by third place finisher Cameron Smith. And the lunker SM almost hit the 5 lb mark at 4.91, courtesy of Paul Carvalho and John Boudreau.
Cameron's third place limit weighed in at 16.55 lbs. Second place went to Steve Robinson and Paul Leblanc with a limit tallying 17.22 lbs. And first place went to Dave Andrews and Scott Leppanen with a limit weighing 17.92 lbs. They are not only the first EBO repeat winners, they're the first back-to-back winners, having won last year too.
Even for those who didn't make out well on the water there was some consolation. Loads of great prizes and gear were raffled off after the tournament; the most we've ever offered. Between tackle packs, rods, gift certificates and the 50/50 raffle, more than $600 in cash and merchandise was given away. And that doesn't even include the chocolate bunnies that went to the top three finishers!
So thank you to everyone who came down to support us and congratulations to the winners. It was hard fought and well deserved. And thanks very much to our supporters and sponsors Basshole Baits, Big Bear Fishing Rods, Boag Hog Baits, Denali Rods, and Thayer's Marine. We hope next year can be bigger and better than ever.
# | TOT | ||
1. | Dave Andrews and Scott Leppanen | 5 | 17.92 |
2. | Steve Robinson & Paul Leblanc | 5 | 17.22 |
3. | Cameron Smith | 5 | 16.55 |
4. | Paul Carvalho & John Boudreau | 3 | 10.67 |
5. | Len Beebe & John Ahern | 3 | 8.97 |
6. | Bill Wright & Dave Waugh | 2 | 6.60 |
7. | Mike Martin & Rich Warhurst | 1 | 5.97 |
8. | John Shpack & Shaun Moser | 1 | 4.38 |
9. | Sheron K. Brown Sr. & Eric Johnson | 1 | 3.39 |
10. | David Balunas & Bryan Balunas | 0 | 0 |
10. | Jim Blais & Stephen Cardenas | 0 | 0 |
10. | Scott Brown & Anthony Triolo | 0 | 0 |
10. | Joe Burchill & Josh Cotier | 0 | 0 |
10. | Steven Nolan & David Nolan | 0 | 0 |
10. | Dan Tavilla & Mike Elliot | 0 | 0 |
10. | Dave Wojcik & Ed Tierney | 0 | 0 |
This year's Easter Bunny Open featured better-than-usual weather, it being toward the end of April and all. But it was still no picnic on the water, with temps in the low to mid-50s chilled further by a sustained north/northwest wind of 10-12mph and gusts to 23mph for most of the day. The bluebird skies made it nicer for fishermen but did not help the bite. Water temps barely moved throughout the event, remaining in the upper 40s for the most part, barely reaching 50 in some wind-sheltered spots, but the sun seemed to have little warming effect on the water. Needless to say there was little, if any, sign of early bedding smallmouth.
I have no reports of what the successful patterns or areas were this year.
While fish were not as difficult to come by as last year (when only 12 fish were weighed among 25 teams!), it was a very tough bite and only one limit was weighed. 37 fish came to the scales from among the 24 teams who particpated. While the vast majority of fish were smallmouth, one notable largemouth was weighed, and what a beast it was! The team of Warhurs/Martin hauled a 7.56 monster to the weigh-in, which easily surpassed the previous EBO lunker record of 6.03 (smallmouth) by Proia/Bevilaqua in 2012. For as long as we've been keeping records anyway.
As far as the numbers go, first place went to the team of Dave Andrews and Scott Lappanen with the day's only limit, which weighed 15.38 lbs. Second place went to the team of Paul Carvalho and John Boudreau whose 4-fish bag weighed in at 13.01 lbs. Third place and lunker largemouth were claimed by Rich Warhurst and and Mike Martin, with a 3-fish total of 10.99 lbs. The final paid spot and lunker smallmouth went to the team of Russell Kleckamp and Dave Krukeil, whose bag came in at 10.05 lbs. Their big smallie weighed 4.64 lbs.
So that's it for this year. Thanks as usual to all who participated. We hope you all had a great time whether you caught fish or not, and hope to see you back next year when the weather is sure to be warmer and the fish more plentiful (ya, right...). Thanks for supporting Avid!
# | TOT | ||
1. | Dave Andrews and Scott Leppanen | 5 | 15.38 |
2. | Paul Carvalho and John Boudreau | 4 | 13.01 |
3. | Rich Warhurst and Mike Martin | 3 | 10.99 |
4. | Russell Kleckamp and Dave Krukeil | 4 | 10.05 |
5. | John Shpack and Zack Tarner | 4 | 5.85 |
6. | Leo Bevelaqua and Greg McBrath | 2 | 5.48 |
7. | Dan Tavilla and Mike Elliott | 2 | 5.20 |
8. | John Carman and Paul Leblanc | 1 | 4.44 |
9. | Charlie Shaw and Mike Wolfenden | 1 | 4.09 |
10. | Victor McNary and Mike McNary | 3 | 3.92 |
11. | Jim Gildea and Warren Burrell | 1 | 2.92 |
12. | Pete DeMoya and Eric Anderson | 2 | 2.91 |
13. | Dave Wojcik and Steven Ayala | 1 | 2.15 |
14. | Mike Abernathy and Ron Proia | 1 | 2.05 |
15. | Dan Jenkins and Ray Jenkins | 1 | 1.81 |
16. | Dave Waugh and Nick Mulcahy | 1 | 1.62 |
17. | Ed Doyle and Bob Pickering | 1 | 1.48 |
18. | Al Beaumier Jr. and Jeff Lin | 0 | 0 |
18. | Jim D'Ambra and Danielle D'Ambra | 0 | 0 |
18. | Travis Foster and Mike Ross | 0 | 0 |
18. | Steve Nolan and Dave Nolan | 0 | 0 |
18. | John Weagle and Jorge Martinez | 0 | 0 |
18. | Joe Wood and Dean Martin | 0 | 0 |
18. | Bill Wright Jr. | 0 | 0 |
The fishing at this year's open was tough, as most everyone expected for a March tournament. With water temps hovering in the low 40s the fish were still in their winter funk. At least the weather was somewhat cooperative for those who toughed out a full day on the water but came in empty handed. It was a sunny day with a light northwest breeze, unusually calm for Long Pond. Midday temperatures reached near 50 degrees.
Several teams were absent come weigh-in time, having pulled early because of the severe lockjaw and chilly temps. As it turned out, just a single fish could have put a team in the money, since a total of only 12 fish were weighed among the 48 contestants. Proof of that is the fourth place team of Bob Mazzone and Mike Mantha, who weighed one smallmouth of 4.34 lbs. Third place went to Tim Baurley and Matt Breach with a pair of smallmouths weighing 7.62 lbs. They also captured the event's lunker award with a 4.36 lb. smallmouth. This event usually carries a split lunker pool, but no largemouth were weighed so Baurley/Breach took home a double lunker payout! Second place went to Vic and Mike McNary who had 2 fish good for 7.81 lbs. First place and the world's largest chocolate Easter bunny was awarded to the team of Dan and Ray Jenkins, who boated 3 smallmouth weighing 9.67 lbs. Congratulations to the top finishers and all who toughed it out on a slow, chilly day.
Avid thanks all of you who came out to make our 9th annual open possible and for supporting us. It's great seeing everyone after the long winter and we look forward to seeing you all on the water this season and hope you can make it back again next year.
# | TOT | ||
1. | Dan and Ray Jenkins | 3 | 9.67 |
2. | Vic and Mike McNary | 2 | 7.81 |
3. | Tim Baurley and Matt Breach | 2 | 7.62 |
4. | Bob Mazzone and Mike Mantha | 1 | 4.34 |
5. | Jim D'Ambra | 1 | 3.13 |
6. | BJ Haseotes | 1 | 2.83 |
7. | Ed Doyle and Bob Pickering | 1 | 2.59 |
8. | Greg Horne and Greg Horne Sr. | 1 | 1.74 |
9. | Chris McCloud and John Medieros | 0 | 0 |
9. | John Webster and Mike Sweeney | 0 | 0 |
9. | George Smith and Ted Barnicle | 0 | 0 |
9. | Toby Slagle and Warren burrell | 0 | 0 |
9. | Ron Proia and Leo Bevelacqua | 0 | 0 |
9. | John Weagle and Russ Kleecamp | 0 | 0 |
9. | John Carman and Paul Leblanc | 0 | 0 |
9. | Ed Tierney and Vern Santos | 0 | 0 |
9. | John Ahern and Len Beebe | 0 | 0 |
9. | Travis Foster and Mike Ross | 0 | 0 |
9. | Bill Wright and John Shpack | 0 | 0 |
9. | Will Andrews and Donald Benjamin | 0 | 0 |
9. | Sheron Brown and Bean Lefebvre | 0 | 0 |
9. | Alan Beaumier and John Boudreau | 0 | 0 |
9. | Dave Waugh | 0 | 0 |
9. | Andrew Miskinis and Marc Henderson | 0 | 0 |
9. | Paul Carvalho and Nick Mulcahy | 0 | 0 |
Feast or famine was the theme this year at the 9th Annual Easter Bunny Open on Long Pond Harwich. While the event had a great draw of 23 boats, only 7 teams weighed fish. But the guys who found them really feasted--with three 5-fish bags topping 14 lbs--while the rest of the field went hungry. And a majority of the fish caught were not lightweights.
The weather was pretty typical for Harwich for this time of year, with high temps at midday about 50 degrees and a strong north wind blowing about 13-15mph. But the skies were sunny so it was only uncomfortable for those fishing into the teeth of the wind. Water temps hovered at about 49 degrees all day.
At the scales the team of Mike Mantha and Bob Mazzone blew everyone out of the water with a limit of smallmouth weighing in at a monster 23.44 lbs to capture first place money and a legendary giant chocolate bunny. Second place and lunker went to the team of Ron Proia and Leo Bevilacqua with 5 smallies totaling 15.40 lbs, ancheored by a 6.03lb. beast. The EBO usually awards a split lunker but not a single largemouth was weighed. Third place went to George Smith and Ted Barnicle with another 5-fish limit at 14.49 lbs. The fourth and final paid place was awarded to Toby Slagle and Warren Burrell who weighed 3 smallmouth for 11.35 lbs.
As usual, the club would like to thank everyone who came out to make the event possible and for supporting us. It's always a lot of fun and we look forward to seeing you all again next year.
# | TOT | ||
1. | Bob Mazzone & Mike Mantha | 5 | 23.44 |
2. | Ron Proia & Leo Bevilacqua | 5 | 15.40 |
3. | George Snmith & Ted Barnicle | 5 | 14.49 |
4. | Toby Slagle & Warren Burrell | 3 | 11.35 |
5. | Mike McNary & Victor McNary | 2 | 8.58 |
6. | Pat Hannon & Scott Studley | 2 | 4.27 |
7. | Rick Warhurst & Mike Martin | 2 | 2.80 |
8. | John Weagle | 0 | 0 |
8. | Paul Carvalho & Nick Mulcahy | 0 | 0 |
8. | Al Beaumier Jr. & Al Beaumier Sr. | 0 | 0 |
8. | Marc Bourque & Rich Snow | 0 | 0 |
8. | Shawn O'Toole & Tony Yuelenski | 0 | 0 |
8. | George Arbuckle & Scott Satter | 0 | 0 |
8. | Eric Femiak & Wade Estabrooks | 0 | 0 |
8. | Dave Waugh & Bob Pickering | 0 | 0 |
8. | John Webster | 0 | 0 |
8. | Bill Wright Jr. & John Boudreau | 0 | 0 |
8. | John Shpack & Matt Martinho | 0 | 0 |
8. | BJ Haseotes & Louie Bernardo | 0 | 0 |
8. | Dennis Reardon & Nick Stevens | 0 | 0 |
8. | Charlie Snow & William Snow | 0 | 0 |
8. | John Carman & Paul LeBlanc | 0 | 0 |
8. | Rich LaChance & Dave Wojcik | 0 | 0 |
If Easter were in June it would still be 40 and windy with rain or snow in Harwich, just to mess with our heads. The time of year doesn't really seem to matter; the weather always challenges us as fishermen and 2011 was no different. It may not have been the coldest. It may not have been the rainiest or snowiest (there was no sign of snow, thank goodness!). It likely was the windiest EBO yet. The combination of all three elements conspiring against us surely made it one of the most miserbale EBOs ever.
The forecast predicted 24mph SSE winds and a high of 48 degrees with a 100% chance of rain. The water temp at the start was about 50 degrees, but fell below 49 by the end of the tournament. On the bright side, the day turned out not quite as bad as predicted (it hit 47 degrees, with wind maxing out at 18 with gusts to 33, and the rain didn't start til about 11), but it was still really uncomfortable on the water and the horrible forecast no doubt kept many away who had otherwise planned to compete. The field this year numbered just 17 boats.
Several boats pulled early, only about half sticking it out til the end. Despite the conditions and tough pre-spawn nature of the fishing, 11 teams weighed fish. When the scales closed, Rich LaChance & Dave Wojcik came away the winners, sporting a bag of 4 smallies that weighed 12.71 lbs. That sack also included the fish that captured the lunker smallmouth prize, a 3.96 pounder. Second place went to Avid's John Shpack who, fishing alone, managed a limit of smallmouth that weighed 9.57 lbs. Third place went to the team of Tony Yeulesky & Chuck S., whose 3 fish came in at 7.84 lbs. The big largemouth award went to Avid's team of Eric Femiak and Wade Estabroosk, who weighed in a 3.45 lb. lunker.
So another EBO is in the books. As always Avid would like to thank all those who participated. While we'd like to promise better weather for next year, it's beyond our control. However, there's a high probability that it won't be any worse!
# | TOT | ||
1. | Rick LaChance & Dave Wojcik | 4 | 12.71 |
2. | John Shpack | 5 | 9.57 |
3. | Tony Yeulesky & Chuck S. | 3 | 7.84 |
4. | Mike Marrin | 5 | 6.60 |
5. | Chip Servant & Paul Leblanc | 3 | 6.29 |
6. | Eric Femiak & Wade Estabrooks | 2 | 5.36 |
7. | Eric Johnson | 2 | 4.47 |
8. | John Slaye & Jesse Koder | 2 | 4.19 |
9. | Louie Guarino & Jon Medieros | 2 | 2.37 |
10. | Ed Doyle & Bob Pickering | 1 | 1.84 |
11. | John Wengle | 1 | 1.66 |
12. | Garry Joy & Kurt Y. | 0 | 0 |
12. | Jim Moorey & John | 0 | 0 |
12. | Dave Waugh & Jason Frigon | 0 | 0 |
12. | Bill Wright & Kurt Cash | 0 | 0 |
12. | Ray Lentine | 0 | 0 |
12. | Sheron Brown | 0 | 0 |
When guys show up at Long Pond Harwich -- especially in early April -- the expectation is that the fishing will be tough and that the wind is sure to blow. And usually the big chill will still be on. Well, something went wrong in 2010 because it was unseasonably warm with bluebird skies and just a slight breeze; all most unusual characteristics for an Easter Bunny Open. The giant bags of last year were missing, but there were still a lot of large fish caught, even though numbers overall were down.
Tournament hosts Avid Anglers expected the great weather and the heavy weights from last year's event to draw a record crowd in 2010 but the event only drew 19 boats. On the plus side, there was plenty of room on the lake. On the down side, it limited the payout to only three places. One of the boats, however, was that of Mark Burgess and his partner Scott Sweeting. Mark is an Elite Series pro from Norton, Mass., who was home in Massachusetts between the Clear Lake and Smith Mountain tour events. (While Mark and Scott didn't cash a check or take posession of a coveted chocolate bunny, they narrowly missed out on lunker smallmouth with a hefty 4-pound-plus fish.) So, we're learning that even if you can't knock 'em dead every year, there's always a surprise to be had at the EBO and this year was no exception.
As for the fishing, it was a mixed bag -- pun intended. Guys either had 'em or they didn't. Several teams had multiple big fish, though there was only 1 limit. And half the field came in with none or just one fish. In all, only 34 fish were caught. It certainly wasn't easy fishing, but at least it was more comfortable than any of the previous six Bunnys! With water temps hovering in the high 40s this was definitely a pre-spawn tournament despite air temps more indicative of spawning time. Even though the weather had been warming all week and it was in the 60s on tournament day, the water hadn't yet caught up and the fish were scattered at all depths.
Our winning team of Toby Slagle & Kevein Petersen managed to find over 14 pounds of fish. Their mixed bag consisted of 4 fish, 2 largemouth and 2 smallies. The team of Ron & Steve Proia took second place prize money and a chocolate bunny with a bag of 12.44 pounds on the day's only limit of 5 fish. Rounding out the money spots was the team of Greg Horne Jr. and Greg Horne Sr. with a sack weighing in at 11.26 pounds for 4 fish. Lunker largemouth went to Toby Slagle and Kevin Petersen with a hawg registering 4.97 pounds. Lunker smallmouth went to Avid's own Eric Femiak and Wade Estabrooks with a fish of 4.46 pounds.
Whether Mother Nature is beating the snot out of us, or the fish are finicky, or the pond has ice on it, or the skies are blue, we're always grateful to those of you who make it out to help support our club and hope you all have a great time too. Next year will be sure to bring new surprises and many of the same great people. We hope to see you there. Who knows, maybe next year KVD will show up.
# | TOT | ||
1. | Toby Slagle & Kevein Petersen | 4 | 14.10 |
2. | Ron Proia & Steve Proia | 5 | 12.44 |
3. | Greg Horne Jr. & Greg Horne Sr. | 4 | 11.26 |
4. | Steve Goodman & Anthony Lopez | 3 | 9.50 |
5. | Eric Femiak & Wade Estabrooks | 3 | 8.09 |
6. | Dennis Jenkins & Ray Jenkins | 3 | 7.68 |
7. | Kevin Magazu & Arnie Thetonia | 2 | 6.55 |
8. | Bill Wright & Scott Wilkins | 2 | 6.47 |
9. | Dennis Reardon | 1 | 4.32 |
10. | Mark Burgess & Scott Sweeting | 1 | 4.21 |
11. | Louie Guarino & John Medieros | 2 | 3.69 |
12. | Paul LeBlanc & Matt Breach | 2 | 3.49 |
13. | Dave Waugh & Bob Pickering | 1 | 1.73 |
14. | Paul Carvalho & John Boudreau | 1 | 1.28 |
15. | Dave Andrews & Scott Lappanen | 0 | 0.00 |
16. | Alan Beaumier Jr. & Alan Beaumier Sr. | 0 | 0.00 |
17. | Mike Caudle & Fred Naymie | 0 | 0.00 |
18. | Jason Frigon & Kurt Cash | 0 | 0.00 |
19. | John Shpack & Frank Ritz | 0 | 0.00 |
20. | John Weagle | 0 | 0.00 |
The 2009 version of the Avid Anglers' Easter Bunny Open had more of the sameweather that isand a little something different: some very heavy bags. Sure, the usual rain, wind and cold were there to greet the 23 participating teams, but several limits were weighed despite the conditions. The top sack was far and away the heaviest in the six-year history of the event at a staggering 21.42 lbs. In fact, the top 4 all weighed well over 16 lbs.
Mother Nature usually seems to put a whammy on this event and 2009 was no exception. The day started out windy enough but it got worse as the day wore on. Winds peaked around 2 pm at about 20mph, with gusts over 30. Temperatures plummeted too, falling from the mid 40s at launch to the high 30s by weigh-in. The rain started about noon. Needless to say no one was comfortable out there. While the conditions got the best of some teams, many of those who stuck it out were rewarded with some nice fish:
The owners of the top sack were Steve Goodman and Anthony Lopez, who also claimed the largemouth lunker prize with a 5.72 lb. pig. In second place with 17.23 lbs and earning the smallmouth portion of the split lunker pool were Avid's own Eric Femiak and Wade Estabrooks. Their prize smallie weighed in at 4.44 lbs. In third was another Avid team, Dave Waugh and Shaun Moser, who weighed in five smallies totaling 16.73 lbs. The fourth money spot was rounded out by Toby Slagle and Kevin Peterson whose limit tipped the scales at 16.65 lbs.
All in all it was a brutal day on the water, but one most die-hard bassers wouldn't pass up. So thanks to all you die-hards who made the sixth annual Easter Bunny Open a success! We at Avid hope to see even more of you there next year, even if Mother Nature is up to her usual tricks.
No report is available for this one.
# | TOT | ||
1. | Bill Wright & Scott Wilkins | 2 | 7.69 |
2. | Mark Donovan & Roger Bogosh | 2 | 6.48 |
3. | Matt Breach & Paul LeBlanc | 2 | 4.45 |
4. | Dave Waugh & Chris James | 1 | 3.96 |
Accepting boaters and non-boaters!